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HansUrbancka | 13:39 Fri 04th Sep 2020 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Funny thing are happening in AB this afternoon. I tried posting without success an item which I shall attempt to repeat, if Editorial allows.

I didn't realise that a poster into AB could award themselves 'Best Answer'. as was the case in the following thread......which for unknown reason was closed.:-




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Super powers ;-)
Ab spare Ed nicked my BA!
I noticed Tilly... I'd get onto erm...
I have done so, Ark.
Too right!
My thanks to Spare Ed.
Whinger! ;-) Xx
Best Answers are precious, Ark. :-)

Worth fighting for.
I'm only jealous.
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G'evening Tilly.....In all sincerity, I am pleased that,ultimately, you were awarded 'Best Answer' for your comments in the thread to which I made reference in my opening remarks ^^^.

Had I have been able to give a BA to you ,it would have been so, because what you said was really worthy of praise . So many people digress from the subject matter and make inappropriate comments, whereas you expressed the following...." how about people stopping making derogatory remarks and, instead, sticking to the subject of the OP? "

In fact Hans, even odder.

For the crack, I made this answer from ABSpareEd ‘Best Answer’:

This thread is now closed.

But a bit later on my ‘humour’ was expunged and a previous Best Answer was put in its place.

Is nothing sacred?
I assumed the Spare Ed had made it the Best Answer so the thread closure was more prominent.

Any discussions about its closure will likely lead to deletions or a closure of this thread.
Allen, that was because I asked for my BA to be reinstated. I didn't realise that you had changed you mind for the 'craic'.

So I now have an undeserved BA. Yay!
Hans, thank you for your kind words.
Your BA was thoroughly deserved Tilly.

I just stuck SpareEd’s answer in for a giggle, and while I’m sorry our betters are a bit po-faced, I’m very glad you ended up reinstated.
I'm glad it was because I don't like odd numbers. I'm happier with even numbers. :-)

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