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kamanu15 | 11:29 Mon 08th Mar 2021 | Crosswords
7 Answers
8A Soprano leaves old songwriter for fortune-teller (7)
7D Pass gin and it with 15, possibly renouncing faith (12)
15D cereal featuring regularly among royalty (3) is it OAT?
10D Sailors seen wearing these in their vessels at sea (12)
29A Sort of cake and wine in middle of nice church (12)
28A celebrity let off alarm (7)
thank you
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28 Startle, star+anagram of Let.
15 Yes, alternate letters in 'royalty'/
8 Palmist, fortune teller, drop the S, soprano, from Psalmist, old songwriter (the Bible).
29 ecclesiatic ECCLESIASTIC
10 shirtsleeves
sorry - apostasising
7d Apostasising anag of Passginitoat

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