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My first memory was going with my dad to see 'Sabu, the Elephant Boy' and also Alan Ladd in 'Shane', which was my dads favourite film.
I also remember going with friends on a Saturday morning to the local Rialto cinema 6 old pence to get in, we used to cheer the goodies and boo the baddies, the main feature would always leave you guessing as to what would happen, someone hanging from a cliff, or a train approaching at speed to someone tied to the railway line, I just had to go again on the following Saturday to find out the outcome.
After the film finished we would go home and role play on our journey back, cops n robbers or cowboys and indians, it was all so innocent back then in the 50s.
In my teens I remember going to see 'Lawrence of Arabia', 'Spartacus' and 'The Apartment', all great films.