Crosswords0 min ago
Competitors Companion
6 Answers
If George is 7, Mike is 13 and peter is 16 who is 18? Roger, Robert,Romeo, Richard or Raymond .
Many thanks if anyone can help on this one.
Many thanks if anyone can help on this one.
Roger - the names are the words representing letters, indicated by the position in the alphabet, in the Joint Army/Navy radiotelepho ny spelling alphabet, used by the USA in WW2: https://en.w /wiki/Allied _military_ph onetic_spell ing_alphabet s#Joint_Army /Navy_radiot elephony_spe lling_alphab et
12:47 Tue 26th Oct 2021
Roger - the names are the words representing letters, indicated by the position in the alphabet, in the Joint Army/Navy radiotelephony spelling alphabet, used by the USA in WW2:
https:/ /en.wik ipedia. org/wik i/Allie d_milit ary_pho netic_s pelling _alphab ets#Joi nt_Army /Navy_r adiotel ephony_ spellin g_alpha bet