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barry1010 | 07:27 Sun 24th Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I'm ashamed to say I fell quite early on this week - at the 'longest month' question. I was so sure I was right, too.
Not a hope with the final question but if I had a pen and paper I'd have got there eventually.

The question I fell at was:
January, July and October all have 31 days but which is the longest month?

The final question was 'how many triangles in this diagram?' so can't be replicated here


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Which is the longest month?
i'll go with january ...i didn't watch this so have no idea about the last question x
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You tell me, Hopkirk :)
I didn’t watch it but I’d say January as the Earth is furthest away from the sun then and so spins slightly more slowly, making the days longer.

Am I right?
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If nobody else gives the answer to the 'months' question I will tell you later. Other people may want to have a go
Given that the clocks go back in October you could argue that October is 1 hour longer than the other 31-day months.
You don't need scientific knowledge - just think logically that is what the 1% club is about.
And that is the answer bhg
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My answer was January as it is the longest word if you count the syllables
I thought it might have been a letter-count but that only gives you a shortest month. The clock-change sounded a bit iffy to me but I'm not familiar with the format of the quiz.
I got the month right for the right reason but didn't get the tongue twister at all. I did get the triangles right but then I've seen many similar before so knew what to look for.
I'll go for December
September (9 letters)
I thought the "October is the longest month" thing was a bit of a chestnut :-)
Yes Tilly. I was mistakenly just looking at the 31 day months.
So is it a trick qn , the answer being September?
Looks like it, Elliemay.
You could only pick from the 3 months Barry has put in the question.
Someone on here has already given the right answer.

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