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helen111183 | 13:34 Fri 23rd Dec 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
what was drowned in england in 1935 but re-emerged in 2003?


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I think this has got something to do with the reservoirs

which were built to supply Sheffield.

it was a village i think but cant recall the name
The villages of Ashopton and Derwent were "drowned" when Ladybower reservoir was built at that time........Ashopton occasionally re-emerged and the church spire was blown up a few years ago as it was deemed dangerous............could be that.

Right idea - this question refers to Mardale which is now under Haweswater in the Lake District

Here's a link to the BBC site which has photos of Mardale

This might sound like splitting hairs, but all the answers are wrong as only a living organism can drown. Towns and churches become submerged!
...which is why I added quotes to the "drowned" to signify that it wasn't to be taken literally by people who don't know that one definition of the word drown is .."To drench thoroughly or cover with or as if with a liquid."............Hey Ho...there's always one........;-)

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