News0 min ago
Dm Literary Quiz
26 Answers
Been trying most of today to get the final two:
According to the book 'From Strength To Strength' about ageing, doctors reach their intellectual peak at what age: 30s, 40s or 50s?
What is the top poison measured by the number of criminal cases in the UK: arsenic, cyanide or strychnine?
I think I've exhausted all sources, so any help gratefully received!
According to the book 'From Strength To Strength' about ageing, doctors reach their intellectual peak at what age: 30s, 40s or 50s?
What is the top poison measured by the number of criminal cases in the UK: arsenic, cyanide or strychnine?
I think I've exhausted all sources, so any help gratefully received!
Quote: "Or take doctors: they appear to peak in their thirties, with steep drop-offs in skill as the years pass" Source: https:// paminy. com/ book- summary- strength- finding- success- happiness- deep- purpose- second- half- life/
18:04 Sat 31st Dec 2022
I have 30s for 1 and Arsenic for 2 courtesy of Google
Please can you help with
5. Which prolific novelist owns the penthouse flat at Atlantic House on the south bank of the Thames opposite Westminster? If you ask directions to the bathroom he says 'Past the Picasso and left at the Matisse'.
Picture 7
Please can you help with
5. Which prolific novelist owns the penthouse flat at Atlantic House on the south bank of the Thames opposite Westminster? If you ask directions to the bathroom he says 'Past the Picasso and left at the Matisse'.
Picture 7
^^^ I'd go with arsenic as well, simply because it was by far the easiest to obtain:
https:/ /blogs. ntoldli ves/201 4/09/ar senic-c yanide- and-str ychnine -the-go lden-ag e-of-vi ctorian -poison ers.htm l
. . . and I'd agree with Jeffrey Archer too:
https:/ /bangal oremirr or.indi atimes. com/ent ertainm ent/lou nge/pas t-the-p icasso- is-jeff rey-arc hers-ba throom/ article show/21 656971. cms
"Or take doctors: they appear to peak in their thirties, with steep drop-offs in skill as the years pass"
https:/ /paminy .com/bo ok-summ ary-str ength-f inding- success -happin ess-dee p-purpo se-seco nd-half -life/
"Or take doctors: they appear to peak in their thirties, with steep drop-offs in skill as the years pass"
1. appears to be in their 30's. Here is a piece from the book.
Other knowledge fields follow the same basic pattern. For writers, decline sets in between about forty and fifty-five. Financial professionals reach peak performance between the ages of thirty-six and forty. Or take doctors: they appear to peak in their thirties, with steep drop-offs in skill as the years pass.
https:/ /paminy .com/bo ok-summ ary-str ength-f inding- success -happin ess-dee p-purpo se-seco nd-half -life/# Overvie w
Other knowledge fields follow the same basic pattern. For writers, decline sets in between about forty and fifty-five. Financial professionals reach peak performance between the ages of thirty-six and forty. Or take doctors: they appear to peak in their thirties, with steep drop-offs in skill as the years pass.
>>> And yet googling it says he lives at Peninsula Heights
That seems to be a (rather strange) setter's error, GG. The only Atlantic House in London is on Holborn Viaduct, which isn't opposite the Houses of Parliament and is an office block, rather than apartments, anyway:
https:/ /www.bu ildingt k/build ings/80 08/lond on-ec4/ holborn -viaduc t/atlan tic-hou se
Jeffrey Archer lives in this modest little dwelling
https:/ /www.ho useandg arden.c llery/f rom-the -archiv e-1995- jeffrey -archer s-flat- overloo king-pa rliamen t
in Peninsular Heights, overlooking the Houses of Parliament.
That seems to be a (rather strange) setter's error, GG. The only Atlantic House in London is on Holborn Viaduct, which isn't opposite the Houses of Parliament and is an office block, rather than apartments, anyway:
Jeffrey Archer lives in this modest little dwelling
in Peninsular Heights, overlooking the Houses of Parliament.
Hi everyone, and thanks for your help - took a break from the internet today as this was doing my head in! Will go with your suggestions for the two I am stuck on, and also think it's Jeffrey Archer for the penthouse as he famously hosted his parties (Krug and shepherd's pie, I think) there. Could be setter's error.
Picture 7 is P.L. Travers (Mary Poppins)
Picture 7 is P.L. Travers (Mary Poppins)