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Did Anyone Manage To Crack The Anagram In Thecompers News Treasure Hunt

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Sparkles62 | 22:27 Sat 31st Dec 2022 | ChatterBank
106 Answers
Did anyone manage to crack the Treasure hunt Anagram, or crack the Festive Code in the Compers News ?
I thought that they were really difficult , I tied myself up in knots and didn't seem to be getting anywhere. I gave up in the end.


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Seeing as no one has come up with anything, I'm going to give you my offer. It doesn't mean it's right, but as it can be a word or phrase, 13 letters in total, My offer is Carrier Pigeon. I tried to do a search re. xmas and found this.
22:32 Sun 01st Jan 2023
Can you please post the letters for the anagram?
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Hi elliemay, the anagram consists of thirteen sets of 2 letters, only one letter from each set of two is used to make a thirteen letter word or phrase.

were you given those letters, or were they yours from trying to solve something?
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The letters were given, Its a right stinker
I'm sure there's a mathematical way of calculating the number of possible permutations, but I can't remember it :)
8192 I think good goalie
I have tried but cannot come up with anything
I thought of that as well gg !! Even going 2x2x2 etc ..... thirteen times comes to over 8,000 !! But I'm sure it must be more than that !
No obvious words like Christmas or new syear
Chris was a maths teacher - I think we should be told......
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It was the last letter of GOLD or CASH
The first letter of GOLD or CASH
The third letter of CHEST or PRIZE
The first, second and fourth letters of either PIRATE or JEWELS
The first, third and fourth letters of RESERVE or FORTUNE
The second, third and last letters of TREASURE or DOUBLOON
in any combination
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Sorry , forgot
The first letter of CHEST or PRIZE
sparkles62, I'm confused with the letters you offered. Can you type them out again. I have almost found an answer, but two letters short.
Do you have 13 letters the winner aa that's whats been given
yes, but it's not what I expected, and don't want to say yet as it can throw people off if its nowhere near.
//The second, third and last letters of TREASURE or DOUBLOON
in any combination//
This makes it even more difficult IMO
Peace on Earth?

There is only one A
just noticed that. My brain is never going to work it out.

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Did Anyone Manage To Crack The Anagram In Thecompers News Treasure Hunt

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