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Wordle Today

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elliemay1 | 17:02 Sat 11th Mar 2023 | Quizzes & Puzzles
46 Answers
If you did Wordle today what did you think of the answer?


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I got it but was unsure it would be accepted as a word. I'm trying not to give too much away for those yet to have a go
17:06 Sat 11th Mar 2023
Not disillusioned at all, I spell it email myself all the time but think of it as a bit slang and therefore was surprised it was a Wordle answer.. OED says one thing, Merriam Webster says another and a lot of other sites say one thing or another, especially that email is more US and e-mail British. You yourself were unsure of it.
I agree with you really, Prudie, our language is being mangled but we have to keep up with the times, I suppose
Since Wordle is on an American website and Americans tend to spell e-mail without the hyphen (as do many folk in this country) they can use that word.

I got today's answer but am not at all happy with it (9th April).
Without giving anything away to those yet to do it, how do you feel about it?
I only got it because the answer couldn't have anything else with the letters I had
Barry, I only got it on my last go because I’d read that people weren’t happy about the answer. I had other words but ***** had to be the one. So thank you for keeping my winning streak going :)
If it’s in the dictionary it’s fine AFAIC.
It's not in my dictionary, Clover, but it's probably over 40 years old.
Maybe Wordle needs to clarify an official dictionary, but of course the two sides of the Atlantic would never be able to agree.
Barry, it’s in my Chambers 2014.
You need a new dictionary :)
I know. The Americans complained about the word BLOKE some time ago.
Shrugging shoulders here
Indeed I do. Maybe it's time to get rid of my Encyclopaedia Britannic and Pear's Cyclopaedia, too.
No, Barry. Keep them but get a new Chambers dictionary, too
I remember that, Clover. I don't think it is as common here as it used to be. My parents always said 'bloke' for a labourer type of man and 'chap' for a banker type. I don't think they did it consciously, it was just common usage for them. I still say 'bloke' and 'chap' in much the same way.
Not sure the floorboards could take a new dictionary and set of encyclopaedias, it might be the stick that broke the camel's back situation

As Corbyloon ( sorry if I’ve got that wrong) Wordle comes from the States so it’s anything goes ….

Admittedly I got it in 3, with the first and last letters, it couldn’t be much else.
there are 8 words with those letters first & last
I just can't work it out at the moment. I have an odd set of letters, can anyone give me the start letter please
If you meant Friday, I got it in 3 but it was a word I didn’t know. Wait until you see Sundays. A terrible choice for lots of reasons.
What's "Wordle"?
I've just got it in 4 - not a word I've heard of though
Margo, e.

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