I agree NAC. In the short time I have been involved in the Speccie, I have seen less and less help being asked for (which is great). The only reason I can think of is, Those who used to ask a lot have begun to understand how the crosswords and clues work (thanks to the thread itself). So it just goes to prove the the advise given on these threads do actually help people. For me, This is an Answer site! So hints can be given as well as answers. But I have learned to try and give hints now (whenever possible, as some can be hard to hint at) to assist where I can. If it wasn't for this kind of help, Some may give up on these types of crosswords fullstop. They're just trying to learn and understand the workings. Over time that assistance will subsibe as it will not be required. To me, That means success for everyone (including the site itself).
One of my pleasures when working away is finding a nice cafe for my breakfast and taking the express with me. (usually 15mins to complete which fits well with eating my tucker). So i'll always have a crossword, Just not always the one I want due to time restrictions.
And I hadn't heard of playfair before. Just looked it up. Glad I gave it a miss. I still couldn't comprehend it after reading wiki.