Hi Steff,
Today's questions are as follows:
14a. A lepidopteran such as a cream wave, lace border, maiden’s blush, purple-bordered gold, small scallop or vestal whose scientific name, Geometridae or geometer, means “earth measurer" (4)
15a. “Colonel” whose thwarted attempt to steal the crown jewels from the Tower of London is commemorated there with a variety of red velvet chocolate cake (5)
32a. The hum of bees or of voices in conversation; a euphoric rush; an atmosphere of excitement; or, a whispered rumour or report (4)
35d. From Latin for “flat”, a diagram on a flat surface of a 3-D object such as a building; or, an aim (4)
(Sometimes I find that I have to log-in to the website again, especially when I use a different PC/Tablet, or the old website, giving the everlasting black circle!).