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World Aquatics Create Second Category For Blokes.

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ToraToraTora | 09:59 Thu 17th Aug 2023 | News
17 Answers blokes who are not very good can now swim against blokes who are of a similar standard! Right oh!


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Actually, I think this is the right answer.

We have to stop women's (hard won) rights from being trampled on and this does it fairly. IMHO.
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Better than letting them ruin the women's events but really it just panders to their attention seeking. My guess is that the entries will dwindle as winning becomes more difficult.
// ... really it just panders to their attention seeking. //

It's well known that athletes are modest people who are shy of the limelight.

I mean honestly it's pathetic, here's an attempt to allow trans people to compete in a way that's perceived as fair and you're *still* going after it and them.
sounds fine to me.
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The reason I'm not competing is that I am not good enough so can they create a category for fat old blokes? If they were good enough they'd be in the men's race.
//It's well known that athletes are modest people who are shy of the limelight.//

Is it? I would have thought there was a general mix personally.
I was being sarcastic.
Ooops, a whoosh moment there from me :-)
// The reason I'm not competing is that I am not good enough so can they create a category for fat old blokes? If they were good enough they'd be in the men's race. //

It's hard even to take any of this seriously. Some people are transgender, and some are athletes, and transgender athletes don't become transgender to "cheat" their way to success.
// transgender athletes don't become transgender to "cheat" their way to success.//

Whilst I think the statement is true in its obvious form what it fails to mention are those that then go on to abuse their position.

That is why I think this is a fair way of dealing with it. Everyone gets to compete in a suitable and fair category.

However, a problem may arise if there are not enough trans athletes. I doubt anyone, at present, really knows the true numbers one way or another.
I'm waiting to see how they do in trans-ocean competition.
It's a solution to an issue. All will know the circumstances, it's all above board, as it were. Individuals are entitled to admire the winners, or not, as they wish.
I doubt that anyone will object to "winning" a walkover, ymb
What's the problem? It's keeping 'blokes' from competing in the women's events which is good right?
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Still potentially unfair to those born as women who transition to live as men. Although if they started on testosterone early enough they would have time to increase their muscle strength and mass to something a lot closer.
I still don't think some on here understand how difficult the world still is for those who go through this, the surgery isn't easy, and the lifetime of hormone replacement is no walk in the park. Its the extreme cases we see, the look at me types who feel they have to make a statement not the ordinary person who cringed with the rest of us, knowing it just makes it harder not easier for them to be accepted.

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