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Drinking Abnormal Loads Of Alchohol At The Moment

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nailedit | 22:17 Fri 25th Aug 2023 | ChatterBank
62 Answers
Its no secret that I have an alcholol problem.
Trying to adressit it.
Not gettign very far after 3 months engagement with local alcohal serverices.

A month ago was told that I would be put down for a detox in hospital and that
I would hear in the next few days from the alcohol detox nurse
and have to go go for a blood test.
Heard nothing...

A few days ago had a text messagage that my support worker ...only spoke to her once previosly... (3rd one that ive had in 3 month)
would give me a call wednesday) Never happened.
had a text that she was on holiday and she would ring me after.
What The Funicular?

What a joke these sevices are.
Addicts (of all kinds) trying to get support/help
And then wondering why your town is full of addicts...



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You know you have to stop/reduce your drinking.
Blaming others for you not doing it is an excuse.
You are a needless drain on precious services.
That others would greatly benefit from.

Your friends and family need to help you, if you cannot or will not help yourself.
Jesus Gromit, you must be fun at parties.
Question Author
Gromit, I entirly get where you are coming from.
I do not blame others.
Its my own addiction to blame....

But once the alcohol starts to wear of im really ill
(and in danger of having a siezure)

I really dont want to be like this...
Its not the services that are a joke. How would you cope every night if you worked in A&E dealing with drunks and druggies night after night, have some thought for them going home stressed. Do they turn to the bottle for help?First off you should cut right down, if you try and pack it up in one go, you will fail every time.
Hi Nailedit: You posted in a similar manner at the beginning of the month and received many answers and good advice. People might get a bit fed up being expected to continually give advice if you don't seem to be following it. If you feel you are not being treated well by
medical (or other) personnel, I did give you an address and phone number to contact to complain. Complaints are listened to and investigated.
Good luck.
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//Its not the services that are a joke. How would you cope every night if you worked in A&E dealing with drunks and druggies night after night//
I'd hate it!

//Do they turn to the bottle for help//
Doubt it. My cousin is a paramedic and he doesnt,

//First off you should cut right down//
Never thought of that!!!!

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Just encourage anyone replying to my post to really read it again and put themselves into anothers shoes b4 replying...
Punxsutawney Phil is abroad again tonight.
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Asking for help,
its not there
others telling you to ask for help
its just not there dont want help, its there.....
Such a shame that the help is not materialising when it is obvious you are crying out for it. The fact you come on here and acknowledge your situation is a good thing though, please don't give up trying.
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Thank you lankeela,
I am NOT giving up.
I want to see my granddaughter grow up.... ;-)
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Addiction services and cut backs are at an all time low...
Nailedit have you managed to cut down, even a little? I do hope so.
Whatever you do don't suddenly stop drinking altogether, gradually reduce your alcohol intake to minimise withdrawal effects,sudden cessation of heavy drinking can have serious health risks.
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Anytime I try to cut down/back
it has the opposite effect.
I dont have an off button
(like most addicts presumebly)

I have drank in exesiss of 30 units tonight.
That scares me that I am still able to type.
I probably wont rememer in the morning but at the moment am quiet with it.

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I just cant cut down...
Its all all or nothing.
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And then when its nothing Im really ill.
Chest pains, dry wretching, shakes, sweats and other stuff.
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Interesting, but on a CWAI scale,
Ive never experienced headaches or light hurting my eyes or itchy skin
It must be on another scale to say giving up smoking which is the only bad habit I've had to give up. I've kept the rest;-)
I hope somehow or other you manage to conquer this and you get your much needed help. This might be a daft suggestion but if you went to your local newspaper and told them what you've told us that might make the services who should be helping you jump to it. They won't like the bad publicity.
When I decided to give up smoking, I couldn't cut down, I had to just give up.
This wasn't as difficult for me to do as giving up the booze is for you.
My main concern was what do you do at the time you would normally have a cigarette and believe me, there were so many times I nearly gave in, but I didn't and I haven't had a cigarette for coming up to 35yrs.
So, what can you do at the times you would normally have a drink?
I can't help you with that, but you have to distract yourself and go and do something else.
Give it some thought nailedit.

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