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ChannelH | 12:40 Fri 17th May 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

ROYAL. With about a quarter of it missing from the top 



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half sovereign?

that makes sense ,Debs clue was totally different x

Just looked at the clue in the Echo. Not sure any of the word is missing.  The line across is about a 3rd of the way down the clue box. The letters of the word "ROYAL" seem to be hanging off the line (below). The tops of the letters touch the line.  Not sure if that helps. Intrigued 🤔

royal line of succession? Not very good I know


^^^ that was one of my suggestions for Deb x

the only other thing i can think of without seeing clue is ...

Victoria line 

victoria line sounds good- I had thought of Kings Cross Line but that's a station not a line

half blue? I believe some sports at Oxbridge award a half blue to participants where others eg, rowing, award a full blue.

Victoria Line sounds good 👍👍.  

The answer was "Royal Flush".  Thanks for the responses. Still think "Victoria Line" was better 😂😂😂😂

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