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Is The Home Secretary Really That Thick…?

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Gromit | 12:29 Mon 01st Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

The artist Banksy was at Glastonbury where he revealed his latest artwork, an inflatable dinghy complete with migrants. The small boat launched during a song about immigration, and 'crowd-surfed' the sea of festival-goers.  
Asked to comment, the Home Secretary James Cleverley (sic) said “There are a bunch of people there joking and celebrating about criminal actions which costs lives, people die. People die in the Mediterranean, they die in the Channel. This is not funny. It is vile. It is a celebration of the loss of life in the Channel.”

He thought it was a joke. No wonder we have miserably failed to stop the boats when we have a simpleton in charge.



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//He thought it was a joke//


It doesn't sound like he thought it was a joke.  What was it then?

sounds like another 5C type, taking the peace out of any attempt to sort it then moaning that it's not sorted.

Perhaps Gromit is banksy๐Ÿ˜‰

It sounds to me that he mistook a protest for a celebration. I certainly don't think it was a "celebration of the loss of life in the channel". He completely misinterpreted the intent.

//Perhaps Gromit is banksy//

If he is, could he come over and do something on my bedroom wall. It'll add some numbers to the value.

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// Cleverly claimed it was a misplaced attempt at humour. //


So what was it?

Banksy is a nob... IMO! for all other crimes as well not funny not clever... why is he/she (they) have not being hunted down is a bigger mystery.

Banksy was outed ages ago: he's Robin Gunningham and could easily be 'hunted down.'

'Les aveugles conduisent les aveugles', as they say on one side & 'The blind leading the blind' on t'other.

are you sure it's him Braniac....?

I'm  Jimmy Rimmer.

And he blamed the Labour party, accusing them of hampering the Tories in their efforts to stop the boats!!!!!

They have though.

Mind you Cleverly is not the brightest, I've met him.

This woke nonsense is all one huge joke, surely.

Taking the urine at a festival just yet another dark, offensive attempt at it.

//And he blamed the Labour party, accusing them of hampering the Tories in their efforts to stop the boats!!!!!//


They have.


The lyrics to the song that accomoanied this stunt began "My blood brother is an immigrant, a beautiful immigrant.”


Perhaps it wasn't a joke but rather a celebration.

kinf of an oxy moron, glastonbury surrounded by fences and security, attended by a lot of out of touch luvies, but the rest of us are not allowed to have secure borders and deportations.

People get a bit carried away at these sort of dos don't they. Possibly due to the consumption of alcohol & drugs? ๐Ÿ™„

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