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Why would you try and walk it?I've been to that area. I wouldn't dream of walking those routes. The whole thing doesn't make sense.
21:11 Thu 04th Jul 2024

I don't see why this really matters. More dishing up dirt by the Daily Wail!

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There are other sources if you google.

Oh there's definitely a lot more to this story than has been revealed.

If you know anything about the geography of Tenerife, then him going to this apartment from where he was makes absolutely no sense.


Deciding to walk when the next bus was due two and a half hours later is ridiculous. It wasn't feasible to walk anyway.

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\\Deciding to walk when the next bus was due two and a half hours later is ridiculous. It wasn't feasible to walk anyway.//


If he stuck to the road there are lots of houses, he could get some water and maybe cdharge his phone.

It hasn't been confirmed that he stole a Rolex, it's just gossip and rumour.

He may have done

The road from the north where he was down to the south is a fast dual carriageway without pavements. You can't walk it 

Maybe he was (is?) just a stupid teenager.

A good friend of mine (while drunk) stabbed & killed someone he thought was a threat to him & his family. He's serving 19 years in jail. The victim's history of hooliganism/drug dealing/mugging wasn't mentioned in court.

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theres the TF-436 which leads to the TF-82, you can avoid the TF-1 by takin the last route, have a look on google maps

Why would you try and walk it?

I've been to that area. I wouldn't dream of walking those routes.


The whole thing doesn't make sense.

As I said before no one with any sense would attempt to walk that route. I can only think he would stick to the roads & try to get get a lift. So he would have ended up near a road or somewhere else on the island.

A few days ago a friend told me that Jay was involved with drugs and that this may have something to do with his disappearance.  That's all I know.

Drugs. Stolen Rolex.  Machete.  Can't all be wrong. 

Well, whatever he's done in the past he is a member of a family who love and miss him . 

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