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Pendleside Film Dingbats [Please Do Not Look If You Do Not Wish To See Answers That May Come In]

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hops | 14:34 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
24 Answers

NO 28          THE FEMININE




NO 43                 Damn Do


NO 44                 COBLOODOD


NO 50            GPKIN


NO 51              VIOLET



i thought no 44 could be IN COLD BLOOD but that would mean there is a spelling mistake in the question, ie the penulimate letter which is shown as an O would have to be an L 

the answer however maybe something completely different

any help would be appreciated



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28 Die Hard

44 in cold blood 

^sorry, didn't read the whole question!

Question Author

hello, romanski, how do you get die-hard please

Hops. Feminine form of German word for "the " = die and H for hard ( as in pencils)

51 Crazy Stupid Love.

Question Author

hello, romanski, thank-you i don't think i would have got that, could you also explain crazy stupid love please

well done Romanski.

Can you explain your answer to 51?

crazy (anagram indicator) violetspud = stupid love (anagram)

I'll let Romanski answer, as they solved it. 

43 Oddman Out??

51 ?Family Doctor. This is an old film.

or Doctor in the House. GP  Doctor Kin family/house??

Question Author

hello, romanski, i have just had your answer explained to me, thank you once again


Question Author

hello, elliemay1, i can see odd man but why out, is that because of the spelling amn is out

'Out' is an anagram indicator 

Question Author

hello, calmck, i think doctor maybe part of it but not sure about the rest

50 Kingpin??

Question Author

not sure ellie in the dingbat king is seperated ie, g then kin

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