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Tls 1534

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dafyddapgwilym | 09:58 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

18d) Children's writer did work in modern voice, well suited to my tastes (7).

I have R?N????. Totally stumped...



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(Arthur) Ransome - 'ran' (did work) + "so me" (modern "well suited to my taste")

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Thank you,LIK, very much. I thought Ransome, but couldn't parse the tail. 


You're welcome 😊

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And the last one, which has done my brain in for far too long now:

25ac) More than one funny bit of poetry penned by effervescent Rosen (9).

O?E?I?E?S.  Oneliness??

Oneliners - 'line' (bit of poetry, in) anag 'Rosen'

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What would I do without you, LIK? Multitudes of gratitudes...

You're welcome again 🙂

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