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Dodgy Recruitment Agency

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webbo3 | 20:07 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
8 Answers

why should a recruitment agency be allowed to endorse visas?

\\Muhammad, 45, brought his wife and four children to Britain from Pakistan in April 2023 after being promised work as one of Renaissance Personnel's care assistants.//

\\Muhammad tells Sky News: "They were having the dream that, okay, we will move to the UK. We will have great education. Now they are worried."//

Sounds like a way to get whole families into this country.





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Boat or back door. I understand that they want a better life. But, do they not realise that they are making the indigenous populations lives worse?

My guess is most or all will not traced or will be allowed to remain, but hopefully it'll stop more coming in via this bogus route.  I'm hoping there's a clampdown on bogus education centres too.

work visas applications are all endorsed does not mean they are granted. My employer endorsed my application when I went to India.

Come on in, tell a friend, bring your families, Britain will pay.  Oh, and vote Labour.

Why is anyone going to pay £19k (!) to an agency with no proof of employment ? Given that no one should be that daft, they must surely know it's underhand.

Muhammad, 45, brought his wife and four children to Britain from Pakistan in April 2023...

When Labour had yet to take the reins of power, Hazi.



He says his parents lent him £20K!  Where do they find the money?  If they can save up that much, then where they live can't be all that bad so why leave?  If it's for the kids to learn English they could use the cash for private schooling.  Why? It's a big question.

I couldn't afford £20K to set up in another country.

Yes, but you woulnt get generous benefits in another country that would pay that amount back in spades.

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Dodgy Recruitment Agency

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