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July Quiz

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hillwalker | 22:13 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Upper Coquet Resource Group c/d 31 July

There is no theme for this quiz.   Last answer to find and your help would be appreciated.

1.  Rocket man before Elton John?





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John Glenn?

David Bowie?

Neil Innes.

The Urban Spaceman.

Pearls Before Swine had a song called, "Rocket Man" which was a different song so could that be the answer?

Robert Stephenson of Stephenson's Rocket  steam locomotive fame?

^^^ I like Romanski's answer!

Question Author

Sorry, I did reply but don’t know where it went!   All your suggestions seem to be possibilities so, to be honest, I just don’t know which one to go for but thank you, everyone!

Major Tom

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July Quiz

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