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Deb71andy73 | 20:01 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers


TEAK.     👍




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What was the correct answer to yesterday's please ?

would like to meet ?.......wood. thumbs up = like ..2 meat

Something like.... would (wood)  it be OK to meet? (two meat)

Mallyh is the best at dingbats and may be along soon.

haven't got a clue about yesterdays x

Question Author

Yesterdays was throw a tantrum sorry mally

don't get that answer unless the hand or the word trum was brown x

Don't get yesterday's either. The wave emoji just means 'hello' or 'hi'

^ meant the day before yesterday's!

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Yesterdays dingbat was account overdrawn 

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