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Remus Quiz

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Matilda123 | 14:54 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

C/d July 2024


All answers start with one of the four letters.

It's almost here... but not quite! (6)

One off you could spin out of you live to be one hundred (7)






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Pension. Anagram of one and spin. (Anagrams indicated by "off" and "out").
15:59 Mon 22nd Jul 2024

1 nearly?

2 iffy ......prolong?

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Thanks Mallyh, I've got nearly for member of the aristocracy found in New York .. well all but (6)

Could be NEARBY

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Thank you.

Pension. Anagram of one and spin. (Anagrams indicated by "off" and "out").

One off or one of?

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Thanks for that folks

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