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General Knowledge

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vonjon | 19:44 Mon 22nd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

1.which was the most recent country in Europe to reinstate its monarchy?

2. which composer stayed in a house directly opposite what is now Ronnie Scott's Jazz club?

3.where in the world do the buses to San Jose leave from the junction of Avenida 10 and Calle 5?

4. where in the world does Avenida los Robles cross the river and become Avenida Alemania?

5. which cricket commentator won the MC during WWII for his 'cheerfulness under fire'?

6. which series featured rugby league supporters travelling to wembley by minibus

7. on TV who worked for the government agency known as 'the bureau'?

8. who failed to shoot the former head of Leningrad KGB?

9. who wanted Donald to give her a part in his next film?

10. who claimed to know the way through Hampton Court maze?

11. who killed Astur in single combat?

from Derek's easy-peasy quiz for


thanks for any help 



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1 Spain

5 Brian Johnson

4   Chile

3   Playa Del Carmen?

6 Trinity Tales

11    Captain Comet?

10 Harris - from 'three men in a boat'

2 Handel

9 Daisy Duck

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thanks to all who helped with answers

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