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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:51 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

A damp, coolish morning at the mom here but according to weather reports it's meant to be a promising 25 degrees plus later on. (I seem to have slipped into giving you a morning weather report! LOL! ) .  Will be good to see some more sun again  - has been very hidden this year hasnt it. 
Have realised it's my wedding anniversary nxt week - 16 years - and been looking for gift ideas.( Even tho they will never get used probably lol.). MrSmow is very very good at this sort of thing - he looks up the relevant theme for the year and always finds a fab idea. 
What's everyone's Tuesday have in store??



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Morning Smow.  Your anniversary is wax, to keep the passion going apparently.

If he's a hairy man you could treat him to full body wax.  Maybe candles would be better.  Or a waxed cotton jacket if he is outdoorsy 

Hope he doesn't buy you a tin of beeswax furniture polish

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lol, morning Barry. Wax hey - not sure if he's got quite enough hair for a body wax lol, though just the idea sounds painful enough!!  I imagine if you're a sadistic person then ripping off the wax strips must be heaven lol! 

Weather the same here.  Think my day is gong to be spent hanging on the phone trying to talk to someone at the Probate Office.  Sent very straightforward application in last November and still no completion.  Things getting a bit urgent as the beneficiary now needs care home and her power of attorney is getting a bit stressed.

That's a worry, Ubasses, hope it's sorted quickly.  It really shouldn't be complicated 

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Morning ubasses. Ohh that sounds frustrating! 

It shouldn't be Barry, but apparently they are in a real mess and I keep reading that they are taking up to a year.  Telegraph have written at least 3 articles on the shambles that I have seen.  Goodness knows how long the complicated ones are waiting.

Thankfully the majority of our assets are jointly owned so won't be subject to probate unless we both die at the same time.  It will make things that little bit easier when the time comes.

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Ive never had to do this, or anything like it. Not sure why they seem to make it as difficult as possible tho!

All I need it for is one ISA account!!! everything else was joint.

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Better have some breakfast I guess - I have the hairdressers in an hour and I'll be there at least 2 hours. At least I go to her house these days rather than the salon , now that she's gone self employed. Salons charge the absolute  earth these days! 

Good morning, a rather cool but at least dry day here.
I have a monthly blood test at 11am then I need to shop for something for a friends birthday for Thursday.
It would have been my wedding anniversary on Sunday too.

Morning, a bit damp outside this morning but it feels stiflingly hot.  No breeze to cool the air.

Morning all. Bright but breezey here today. Managed to get to a small garden centre yesterday but although no houseplants managed to buy a nice pot and have planted a named rose in memory of my son.

Older son is taking a few much needed few days in the sun, am hoping the IT outages a few days ago will have been sorted by now. He checked on Heathrow departures yesterday and all seemed well, so fingers crossed

Have a happy day whatever you are up to

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Good Morning Early Tuesday Birds!

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