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Sometimes People Should Just Stop Talking

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douglas9401 | 18:36 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | News
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They do like their moments on air...


I'm not sure what I think about this.  Why was she wishing him luck and not others?  Because he's now picked his life up again?  Very odd. 

Naomi, I think that the nature of his crime is the main issue.

She's attracted criticism for that reason, wolf, but I can't see why she thought he deserved her best wishes more than anyone else in the first place.  She should have kept quiet.

Why should she keep her mouth shut? She's perfectly entitled to say 'good luck' to whoever she wants to. 

How do you know how many others she had said it to?

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I thought she'd used up all her 'good lucks' on those following her in THAT race.

I agree douglas, wishing a man who raped a 12 year old girl good luck is beyond the pale.

As the 'that race' ....😂

Velde should not be competing. he raped a minor.

"Velde should not be competing. he raped a minor."

I agree (NJ retires for a lie down!  🤣).

Not only should he not be competing, he should still be in prison. He groomed and raped a twelve year old girl when he was 19. The offence carries a mximum of Life imprisonment and for even the least serious (if there can be such a thing) the starting point is eight years. This was not the least serious. He groomed his victim over a period of time and that aggravates the offence considerably.

In an earlier comment Ms Ratcliffe suggests he has undergone a "learning experience" in the ten years since his conviction and is now married with children. How many 19 year old men have to be taught that grooming and raping a 12 year old is not entirely correct? Does she know that in the overwhelming percentage of child sexual abuse cases the perpetrator is a family member? 

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