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Good Morning Friday Birds!

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Smowball | 07:21 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
21 Answers

Hello my fellow early birds! Beautifully sunny here at the moment tho for how long I do not know. Can't believe it's Friday already - where on earth did this week go?? 
Lastnight I ended up watching Chariots of Fire. Hadn't planned to - I just ended up stumbling across it 5 mins after it had started whilst flicking thru the channels. I had forgotten just what a good film it was,and the iconic music....x

Tummy is rumbling now - what to have for breakfast! What do we all have for breakfast these days??



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Morning.. Sunny here too.  

Too early for brekkie but it will be a bacon filled pitta with lots of ketchup.

Sitting here trying to decide between crafting and housework.... 

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Morning Rowan! Omg that bacon pitta sounds wonderful! Has to be brown sauce tho lol! Have never actually thought of putting bacon in a pitta tho tbh. As for your debate - I think the crafting has to win surely!? : )


Good morning Smow and rowan and all who follow. A beautiful morning here too. I haven't done breakfast since I left school, that will be a few decades ago then. Have the best day you can :)

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Morning choux. Ohh you don't have breakfast ever? Are you never hungry in the morning?

Good morning all. The sun is shining, so a positive start! Contemplating whether I should get out of bed.. Best hurry up or I'll drift off into a deep sleep! Hope everyone has a good day. 😃

Not really, Smow. My life-style is a bit off the wall.

Ketchup bacon, brown sauce sausages,  but if someone offers a nutty then I can set aside those preferences.  

Think I will compromise.... As much housework as I can fit in before Friday coffee morning, then craft this afternoon.... Unless we all decide to do something more interesting.

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Good plan Rowan lol!

Go on Patsy - threat yourself to a cheeky lie in! : )

We are  going down town for coffee and a sausage bap and watch the world go by x

I have too many cheeky lie-ins, smow! Lots to do. 😀 Breakfast first though. Probably buttered toast and tea.

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Threat?? That should have said 'treat' lol!

Mallyh - oh a sausage bap sounds just as good - now I'm hungry lol! But liking the sound of buttered toast and tea too - yummy!

Same breakfast every day for me.  Porridge made with water, nothing added 

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Morning Barry. Actually I like porridge - had it last week I think!

Morning all. More awake now after second coffee, served at our seats on the 7.23 train up to Porto. Sunny but with a cold wind while waiting for the train. Hopefully the north will be a little cooler than yesterdays 29 degrees in the Algarve.

Morning Smow and everyone. Its bright but a bit cloudy here, the dog has just gone for his walk so cool enough for him. Shopping is arriving later + a Cook order so will have to do some re-arranging in the freezer to get it all in.  Arent you all impressed by my exciting event filled life lol .

Have a happy day everyone

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Morning calmck - sounds like a good day planned. How long are you over there for?

Good morning Rosetta - I need to do a shopping delivery too! Who do you use these days? I normally use Morrisons, who are pretty good, then a few months ago I decided to try Sainsburys. What I didn't realise was that Sainsburys doesn't deliver their shopping in carrier bags - they turn up with their plastic crates literally full of all your shopping in individual items, and you have to transfer it item by item from their crates to your own bags or something else, just so that you can carry it from the front door to your kitchen lol.

Up north for three weeks with granddaughter training for two shows and Nationals in September. We go home to the Algarve last two weeks of August for birthdays and GCSE results before coming back up 

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Ahh yes, remind me again what it is your granddaughter is training in? Sounds like a busy few weeks!

Show jumping with her horse Kris

Good morning all, it's a beautiful morning here in East Yorkshire.
I went to that knit and natter group yesterday, a few did acknowledge me, so that's better than last week when only 2 spoke.
I'll give it a fair try and go for a few more weeks in the hopes tthat as they get more used to a newbie, things will improve.
Breakfast? I don't think I've eaten one since about 1961. My first meal of the day is around teatime, unless I go out for lunch with my sister. It seems a bit of a wste me eating out as I never do it justice.
Have a great day folks :)

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