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Social Housing

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fruitsalad | 12:54 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Society & Culture
2 Answers

Do you think this is fair, I now know of two social houses, that houses foreign people, who go back to their own country, for a couple of months at a time leaving their houses empty, when there is families crying out to be housed in this country.



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I know people in social housing who spend six months every year on holiday in Europe. Three months in winter in Tenerife and three months every summer in Villamartin in mainland Spain.  Stop it for foreign people and you stop it for everyone 

"Social" housing in its entirety is not fair, whoever occupies it and whatever they do. It is heavily subsidised by people who pay the full price for their own housing. It is particularly unfair when it is occupied by people who have recenly arrived from elsewhere whilst it is not available to those already here.

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