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Sounds Like A Pair Of Contestants

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NickFrick | 15:50 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers




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Two can play at that game
16:25 Fri 26th Jul 2024

It's always nice ( and helps a lot!!) if you give the theme of the quiz.

see here

I see now that it is your first question, NickFrick, so, welcome to AnswerBank.

The more info you can give us, the easier, hopefully it will be to answer.

Please though always give the name of the quiz, it helps to spread the word.

Two can play at that game

Did you see my link, kettledrum?

Sorry Captain. I can't remember if I saw your link or not. But if I did, I expect I thought it would be an admin matter - eg explaining the approved AB way of introducing & asking a quiz question. I wouldn't have been expecting it to include an answer.

Mea culpa. Will try to remember to check on links in future.


Yes welcome to AB. All you need to do is type the quiz title and the closing date in the top line and the questions you need help with in the box. Reply on the same thread. Hope that helps. Good Luck. 

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Sounds Like A Pair Of Contestants

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