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Choux, Getting To Sleep

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Vagus | 19:46 Fri 26th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
4 Answers

I read about this recently and it helps me..sometimes.

Ive not been a good sleeper for many years now but this has I say, sometimes.

Find a word which is easy to think, or say, and keep repeating it over and over while you're in bed trying to get your mind to stop. My word is 'golden', I tried quite a few but this one seems to work for me. It kind of flows, in my mind, has nice connotations of sunshine and peace, and just seems to work. some people have an ordinary word like 'because' or 'cushion', it doesn't matter what it is, it just needs to be something you feel is right for you.
If you feel your mind wandering from your word, drag it back and keep on repeating it 😴😴😴



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I will give it a go Vagus, thanks x

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Interesting, thank you I'll give it a go. Fed up watching the click whizz round and little or no sleep. 

I remember my father telling me to keep repeating 'sleep'!!  

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