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queenviles | 11:02 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Any help appreciated. Capital letter denotes Christian name. 11 B. Headless honesty 14 J. 14th letter,snakes sound and tor 15 F. Weight loss menu & travel around 18 G. Hesitant connection + 1. 26 M. Middle eastern country. Thank you 



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11 babe Ruth

14 Jessica Ennis

26 Michael Jordan

26 Michael Jordan

15 Frankie Dettori

18 Gary lineker?

Can you send where to get a copy of this quiz please, the closing date, cost, and prize. Thank you.

14 Jessica Ennis-Hill

Question Author

Hi Monty. It's a local quiz each month for different charities. You need to send a stamped addressed envelope for return of quiz. Mrs J Hussain. 11 Beanhill Road. Ducklington OX29 7XZ. 

15. I wonder if the setter thinks the spelling is Dettouri (anagram diet and tour)

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