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Sunday Express Skeleton 28Th July

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Frustrate | 23:01 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

Help please on

29a Horse dear (with goat ears, oddly) 13 letters ???????????e? There's an anagram in the clue somewhere but can't work it out

27a Great white circled by hawk 5 letters ?????

18a A country girl fleeced an animal 7 letters ???????

23a Flavouring added to wraps half in view 6 letters ??????

Really stuck this week again. Hope someone can help please. Frustrate



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18. (g) i r (l)  eland

27.  s w ell

29.  steep lech aser

23. an  i(n)  see d

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Many thanks Sam, great help. Frustrate 

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Sunday Express Skeleton 28Th July

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