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Wordle July 30Th

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JJ109 | 23:42 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
28 Answers

Good Morning everyone!

Wordle 1,137 3/6


Well done Cloverjo and also FoxLee2 and MargoTester who all solved yesterday's in 2!



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Wordle 1,137 2/6🟩🟨🟨🟨🟨🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 lucky first word!
07:42 Tue 30th Jul 2024

Wordle 1,137 3/6




Morning JJ and all 🤗

Wordle 1,137 4/6



Wordle 1,137 3/6


Wordle 1,137 4/6






Wordle 1,137 3/6


Wordle 1,137 5/6


🙄 I should have used a throwaway.

Wordle 1,137 4/6



Wordle 1,137 3/6


Hmm, is that a description of me ? 😇

Wordle 1,137 3/6





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Wordle 1,137 2/6


lucky first word!


Have you ever got it in one?

I did once - and it's the best feeling in the world (always starting with the same word that has a load of vowels in it!)

Wordle 1,137 4/6


Wordle 1,137 3/6*


Wordle 1,137 3/6



Good morning, everyone

Wordle 1,137 4/6



sp, I got it one, twice - I always used the same two starter words and they have both come up.  I use randomn first words now.

I felt quite disappointed, there was no challenge, just a very lucky first word.

Wordle 1,137 6/6






Getting it twice on the first go deserves some kind of public recognition!

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Wordle July 30Th

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