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Save The Children Cats Domestic & Wild

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matimum | 10:20 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Help needed please.

16. American wildcat 6 letters ( I thought Bobcat but could be American car?)

39. Calm friendly cat 6 letters

41. North American endangered cat.  6 letters. ( I thought Cougar but have that as answer to 10 American car)



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Your American car could be Jaguar?

16. I've got cougar for this .

39. toyger

41. bobcat,

May not be right. Seems to be more than one answer to fit many of the clues


41   I thought jaguar for this one. It is endagered but so are a few others.

16 Ocelot

I have ocelot for 32. Central American spotted cat

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Save The Children Cats Domestic & Wild

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