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What Page Is The Picture From Page 82 On In What's On Tv This Week Please X Looked For Ages X Can,T Find It X

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neziwilliams | 13:55 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

what page is the picture on page 82 taken from in this week's what's on tv please x looked for ages x can't find it anywhere x



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To make sure I've got the right issue -

If that's the one, then it's on page 15, right-hand side, "Batman: Caped Crusader"

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thanks, but not that one x it's the one that came out today, covering 3rd to 9th august xxx

Hi nezi - sorry about that.  The next issue isn't available online yet, but I'll keep checking & will have another go when I can see the magazine.  I've subscribed to this thread 🙂 x

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thank you xxx

Page 15 Gabbys Doll House

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thank you very much xxx

Turned the PC on, this is in Latest Posts!  Well done Tuvok, I can stop looking for the issue (still not available) & glad you're sorted, nezi 🙂

I got it on Readly - so my free trial prooved useful

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What Page Is The Picture From Page 82 On In What's On Tv This Week Please X Looked For Ages X Can,T Find It X

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