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Cats Domestic And Wild 7-9-24

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Paige777 | 09:58 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

24. Swimming Cat   10

28. Sounds like North American. 6,4



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24. Jaguarundi 
10:14 Wed 07th Aug 2024

24 Turkish Van?

// They enjoy swimming around and will likely love it if you give them a chance to get wet//

28. Canada Lynx

24. Also think Turkish Van which is 2 words but the number of leters needed

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Thanks for your help. I saw Turkish Van, but had discounted it!

24. Jaguarundi 

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Thanks Skitts, much appreciated!

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Cats Domestic And Wild 7-9-24

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