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Liz's Quiz

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vonjon | 18:41 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

rhyming answers

6. trappers leather boot (8) answer will rhyme with ptarmigan

8a. having great diversity (9) 8b. nap (4)

13a. can be spurred, fringed or closed (7) 13b. south atlantic island (9)

15. indifferent support on the sports field (4.4)

any help appreciated




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6    Larrigan?

8 versatile/pile

13   Gentian? 13b ?

15   Half back?

13b. Ascension (island)

what does 15 have to rhyme with?


Question Author

thank you cashier and TheWinner i am not 100% but think 15 b maybe either cottonwood or hackmatack. the question is balsam poplar(10)


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