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Quizzes For Charity Shop Till You Drop C/D 31St August

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lindyloo1947 | 18:59 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers

Would appreciate a clue, please for No 8 Not really where you'd take your car to have some dents treated after a crash and 45. Opening one but then parking for a second. No letters given. The answers are current extant retail outlets. 



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8. clue, shop where you can buy bath products has been suggested. 

8 Body shop?

45. I made a suggestion for 45, use the search box if you are really stuck. 

oops sorry x

lindyloo1947 can you help with Q43 please

What's the clue vonjon?

cashier its the 1974 Dutch Eurovision song "i see a star" by Mouth and MacNeal was a UK hit, but beaten by ABBA

Question Author

I'd discounted The Body Shop as they are no longer trading. I have Ikea for No 43. vonjon. Thank you everyone for suggestions

lindyloo- your own question says "The answers are current extant retail outlets. "

Body SHop looks okay to me.

I also suggested IKEA for the Abba one

thank you


I think I've got number 43.

The answer to number 43 is hidden in the clue.



Well done, thewinner. 

thank NMA.

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Quizzes For Charity Shop Till You Drop C/D 31St August

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