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I'd Be Grateful Also If Anyone Can Recognise Where The Following Extract Comes From ..

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marg13 | 19:47 Mon 05th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

It never takes my hand or asks me questions/but sits in silence on its outsize plate

emerging only rarely from its icing/to quail at the touch of my knife.




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Selima Hill 'men who feed pigeons'

Selima Hill, Men who feed pigeons.

scroll abot 5 paragraphs down to find part of the quote.

It seems the title mentioned is for a collection of seven poems but I've not been able to find the name of the actual poem.

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Thank you Toorak. Have been searching for this for weeks!


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And thanks to TheWinner and THECORBYLOOK. Thanks for ending my agony..

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I'd Be Grateful Also If Anyone Can Recognise Where The Following Extract Comes From ..

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