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Help With Genius 254 Please

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quinol | 10:52 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
14 Answers

enjoying this, but am stuck on the last 3, 2 of which should begin with b,d or w:

I'll give the 3 clues and then the letters I have, each clue could apply to any of the letter arrangements

Deer trap mostly hold off circling that (6)

Drink, say, being upset after I avoided (6)

Take charge of match Forest finally lost (6)






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Take charge... - Bereft - 'be ref' + '(Fores)t' (finally)
Deer... - Wapiti - 'wai(t)' (hold off, mostly, circling) 'pit' (trap)

Your last one begins with E, I thought they had to begin with B,D or W

Drink... Eggnog. 

^ Sorry, didn't read it properly!

Nac - I thought of that, but how does "being" = "go(i)ng" ?

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nac: being consumed upside down, going without the i, not that I thought of it, I wanted eggnog but had the inquisitor in the wrong place down there, must be doe-eyed instead, huge thanks to all of you, now to see about the 3 letter words, I can't see how the arrangement of clues would help

Lie-in King, I didn't bother parsing when I did the puzzle. Your being/going puzzle prompted me to check my dictionaries.  The Oxford Dictionary of English has one definition of 'be ' as 'go', so being, going...?

Ah ok, I see it now.  I looked the puzzle up & the clue is -

"Drink, say, being consumed after upset I avoided"

Quinol, glad we could help. To get the arrangement of the clues, to get to the three-letter words, just jot down the first letter of the answer to each of the clues - in the order listed. You'll soon see the makings of a very common sentence, and it'll indicate what you've to look for in the grid.

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Thank you NAC, but to try your patience further, I can't see what the fox and the dog have to do with it (I can see a hog and an owl)

write the start letters of the answer of each clue in order

T --endonitis



etc etc

you will get a famous phrase that includes a fox and a dog

^^ tendinitis

Then look in rows 5 and 11

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Many thanks jj and nac, finally I see it

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Help With Genius 254 Please

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