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Mattress Toppers

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fruitsalad | 13:12 Wed 07th Aug 2024 | Body & Soul
7 Answers

Can anybody please recommend one that would help aches and pains



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Is your mattress in good condition and suitable for your back?

Is your mattress unsatisfactory? If it is too soft and lacking support, then a topper won't help.

If it is too hard, then a fairly thick memory foam one may well help (though I can't stand memory foam myself!).

before you spend money, it might be an idea to work from the other end.  Is it the mattress that's causing the aches and pains? or something else - have you tried paracetamol, or seen the GP?

personally if my bed was causing me aches and pains, i'd get a new mattress rather than a topper

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I already have the aches and pains from arthritis, and it's a fairly new mattress, quite firm, I would just like it to be a bit higher and thought putting a mattress topper on, which is quite deep, but one that would help, my joints.

We have toppers, they are really comfy but I'm not sure it would do anything for bad joints.

Do as Bednobs says first, if you can, see a GP.

^ in that case, look on Amazon for a deep memory foam topper and read the reviews carefully.

Memory foam from a brand name can be a good choice. But nothing achieves miracles, but it can improve things.

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