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Yorkshire Air Ambulance

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morge78 | 12:01 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Hi I am struggling with the last 2 and would like some help please.

The subject is Liquid Refreshment.

No17 odd or strange. 

No 32 someone in the know loses 'in' heading. Any help would be appreciated thank you. 



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17 Rum

32 Can the clues be 'sounds like'? Someone in the know is an Inside, drop the 'in' and you get Sider, a homophone for Cider...

32 cider  someone in the know = insider

Question Author

Thank you both so much. Those answers sound  good to me 


Glad we could help, morge78.  32 would never be acceptable in a crossword, but maybe the puzzle mentions 'sounds like' answers!

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Yorkshire Air Ambulance

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