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The Mythical Quiz Derbyshire Wildlife Trust 12/9/24 Questions And Answers Relate To Mythical Beings

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jackierob4 | 20:28 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers

part 1 living world  

what sort of organism is a scarlet elf cap

part 7 route

1. Oberon.say is annoyed 5,5

8. Centaur with Barry's odd ones 10



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Route 1 .. King's Cross ?

8 Canterbury

8 Canterbury - anagram of 'centaur' and BaRrY

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thanks all once again much appreciated

Is it 'cup' then?

Route 1 Fairy Cross

Question Author

Hi captain not sure as its cap on quiz sheet maybe an error

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The Mythical Quiz Derbyshire Wildlife Trust 12/9/24 Questions And Answers Relate To Mythical Beings

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