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Sport Personalities

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baddaboy | 11:14 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers

3. G. the greatest

5. C. not quite dried grass

6. J. the bear

7. R. animal hair, noise also

13. D. some meat in a stream

25. O. centre cigarette stub



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13. David Beck-ham

25 Olga Korbut

3 George Foreman?

3. George Best

5. Cecil Moss ?

7 Rio Ferdinand

6 There's a Joseph Bruno but don't think he's famous

5 Chris Hoy nearly hay?

6. Jack Nicklaus was known as the Golden Bear but ??

6 trying to find an olympian with surname Rupert ....the bear

More likely be a Golfer, that creepy bear.

6 another guess John Misha (after Russian mascot bear )

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