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Drinks Of All Types 31.10.24

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newbie20 | 15:25 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers

Help needed please. I have 2 sets of questions with the same answer.

2. Joint of a quadruped hind leg

14  Equine's body part

Hock fits both

25 Game played on a court

6 Game with rackets

squash fits both.

19 is this one for a Novice

8 Hotel?

no idea for either of these two.  No numbers are given.

Thanks for any help



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2 Hock 

14 could be Horse's Neck (a cocktail)

25 Squash

Sorry, I didn't read the whole question.

8. ? Posada

19. ?? Blue Nun

14 horses neck cocktail?

19. ?chaser

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Drinks Of All Types 31.10.24

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