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Lizzes Quizzes Rhyming Quiz (Closes 26Th October)

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galasalmon | 18:59 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Help please .

2b/ Note equal to 4 beats (10) 

rhymes with reeve  - is it semibreve 

16/ Detrolt = Tigers ,Chicago = Cubs what does Florida = ? (7)

16b/ English rugby Union team (10


Phrases sayings with vowels removed .


2/ WNGT 

Thank you 



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1. Lend a hand

1 lend a hand


16 - the Miami marlins or tampa bay rays (baseball teams)

2b Yes semibreve

16 Marlins
b) Harlequins

2. Wing it

Question Author

Thank you.

2b, semibreve is only 9 letters though

The setter altered the letter count to 9


^^  The setter left a note that it was 9 letters but it was just written on back of the envelope containing the quiz so may have been missed.

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Lizzes Quizzes Rhyming Quiz (Closes 26Th October)

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