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Bbc Quiz : Week 32

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Buenchico | 20:13 Fri 09th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
20 Answers

Good evening once again!


It’s one of my better weeks in the quizzes this week, with a ‘middling’ FOUR out of seven in the grown-ups’ quiz


. . . but a perfect FIVE out of five in the kids’ version


I expect that you’ll still do better though, won’t you?




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4/7 and 3/5.

The setters must have been expecting the kids to be avid olympic watchers.

Snap sandy - I was 4/7 and 3/5 too

Oh dear oh dear... Arky hangs head in shame.

Main: 3/7
JNR: 3/5

Question Author

'Double middling' is OK, Sandy!
(I managed to score maximum points on the kids' quiz without watching a single minute of the Olympics!)


Another 'double middling'!  Well done, Toorak!


I wouldn't worry too much, Arky!  If past weeks are anything to go by, there'll be plenty of scores lower than yours yet to come!

there'll be plenty of scores lower than yours yet to come!

Phew! that's cheered me up no end. πŸ˜‰

Evening Chris.






Not the best scores on the doors.


Hope this finds you well  : ))

3/7, 4/5. Made a trip down your way to race at Sudbury International regatta last weekend, first races for a few years and we picked up a win in the eights and lots of information about water voles...Puss Puss has been mildly entertained by my efforts to tidy up a bit today whilst Bailey just continues in his eternal quest for food. Hope all is good with you and yours

How is it Friday again already? 😲

4/7 & 5/5 - including a sluggy guess.

Question Author

Thanks for keeping Arky company, Sam!

I'm well thanks, as I hope that you are too!


Good grief!  I've actually managed to beat Lie-in KIng this week! (I expect that I'll wake from the dream soon though!)


Decent scores, Campbellking!  Well done!

I have to admit to never having heard of the Sudbury International Regatta (although, of course, I just googled it: ). While I like Sudbury as a town, I've never associated it with water sports!

I was down by the water on Sunday though, at Tollesbury in Essex.  A friend and I had a lovely meal at the restaurant in the marina and then we did a spot of bird watching from the hide on Tollesbury Wick nature reserve.  It's really beatiful there:

Question Author

^^^ I can spell 'beautiful' really!

Wow!  Congratulations on being the perfect kid yourself, buen!!

I'm fairly happy with 4/7 and 4/5.  Some olympic answere were vague stabs at ' thought I heard that....' lines.

2/7 and 4/5

My excuse was going to be that I've been watching the Olympics all week, but that didn't help me much.

Good Evening, Chris!

My scores are 4/7, 3/5

Well done on your perfect 5/5 score. Must admit to not paying a vast amount of attention to Olympic results and guesses didn't pay off. 

Had bit of a scary evening last night when a near neighbour's bonfire got out of hand and flames were terrifying. Fire brigade had to be called out to put it out, but was terrifying experience.

Wishing you and the gorgeous trio a wonderful week ahead :-)

5 and 3

Question Author

Well done, Jourdain2!

(I've not been watching the Olympic Games but I've seen some of the headlines on the BBC News website, which helped a little!)


Hi, Clover!

You seem to be a better kid than an adult this week πŸ˜„


Hiya, Karamia!

Decent enough scores, anyway, I think!

I'm glad that you didn't perish in the flames!  (We had a big fire just down the road from here yesterday, with 85 fire crew in attendance: . It left us with no train service all day).

The feline threesome are much the same as usual although, despite the warm weather, Chequers seems to have gone into 'winter mode'.  He joins me on my bed at about 4.30am every morning for a cuddle that can last for hours!

Question Author

Good scores, SJ!

Well done!

4/7 v 2/7

5/5 v 4/5 

Not bad for me i.e. hopeless

Can you shear 517 sheep in 9 hours? Nor me! But Una Cameron from Cornwall can : it's in today's Guardian but I can't get the link to work...

Hope your three  are well and your blood test last week went well.  πŸ˜„

Question Author

Thanks for keeping Clover company, Haras2!

Grauniad link here:

(I wonder who decided that it should be a 9-hour event rather than, say, an 8-hour or 10-hour one? I suppose that there must be some sort of a reason behind it!)

In terms of my PSA score, my blood test last Friday went very well indeed.  However someone at the hospital clicked the wrong button when sending the electronic forms to the phlebotomy clinic, meaning that they didn't test for all of the other stuff that they were meant to.  So (in order that I could have my monthly prescription of drugs) I had to have another blood test at the hospital on Tuesday.  I'm beginning to feel like a pin cushion!

The Bonkers Bunch are all fine and bossing me about just as much as ever.  We all hope that you'll have a lovely week!

Bit late again this week Chris, as i was busy recovering from my first hangover in yonks. I used to be able to shift double figures but i only magaed 8 pints on Thursday night. Still, i did hear last orders called. The boy's got staminaπŸ˜‰

Not watched much of the Olympics so had to guess at the 2 relevant questions, got one right and t'other wrong. Also guessed the panda question wrong, 5/7

Guessed incorrectly who the new Welsh First Minister is, 4/5


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I get a hangover after half a sniff of a wine gums these days, Ken.  (I think that it's got something to do with old age!) πŸ˜Š

Well done on coming joint top this week (with me and Lie-in King)!

(My aplogies go to Lie-in King for missing his post earlier.  I think that I might have had half a sniff of a wine gum!)

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