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Good Morning Sunday Birds…

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Smowball | 07:30 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
35 Answers

Gorgeous blue skies - have just put some washing on the line that I did late last night. Early morning seems to be quite a good time for snail catching too lol! They seem to pop out before it gets too hot!.

Think today is the Olympics closing ceremony, but am sure there are a couple of final events just beforehand, tho I couldn't tell you what they are. I've enjoyed watching an awful lot of it, tho I don't like it when there's bad sportsmanship etc, like yesterday when they seem to have stripped the gymnastics women's bronze medal from the USA . It hasn't gone down v well!

Even tho this post says Good Morning I'm gona be coming back to it all day when I can for a change as I noticed the last couple of morning posts had quite late comments which I didn't see.... so why not lol! 
Hope  we are all going to chill out and have a relaxing morning x : )




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Washing on the line Smow?

Is the English summer that good this year?


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Morning 1ozzy! We are having a bit of a heatwave for here this week lol. Here in London is set to be 30 -31 degrees today and tomorrow for a start - it warm outside already at 7.30am. 

So only just warm, take care dear lady, keep hydrated 🥵

Good morning Smow. Supposed to be a nice sunny day here too. Not long come back from Torremolenos, it was so very hot. Reached 42 some days! We asked our little grandson which country he preferred, England or Spain. He said England because we have rain...😄 Although in the pool everyday, he found it too hot. Glad you made it to see your son & new grandson. Enjoy your day to, and everybody else. 😃


Same forecast here, though a bit gloomy at the moment. You are good getting you washing out to dry early before it bakes on the line.  Mine is still in machine, it was on overnight on timer to make the most of cheap rate.

Joys of the weekly kitchen clean today after just giving it wipe down rest of the week.


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lol @just warm. It is for us - we aren't used to it,  but this country does like to cover 3 different types of weather in a whole day sometimes! 
Morning Patsy - did you stay in a hotel or villa on your holiday? I mean were you secluded in your own little place, or in a busy hotel? 42 is very hot indeed!! Definitely not  pleasant to lie in without a pool to keep jumping in! 

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Morning ubasses - I did the same, put washing on  overnight , I often do. Think yesterdays pegged out load was dry within about 40 mins! 

Hotel. A very nice one too. Had 4 pools. Great for kids. Nice food too. 😃

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Oh that sounds good Patsy - 4 pools! 

Morning Smow and all.  When I pulled my bedroom blind up this morning there was my little female fox with her white tipped tail asleep in my border.  She didn't move until I went into my living room and opened the patio doors then she shot off over the fence as my little dog chased her.  She'll be back this evening for something to eat.

Go my hairdresser coming this morning to give me a haircut.  Gosh it's hot already and I hate it.

Have a good day all. xx

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Morning ladybirder - your fox, wow! How long has she/ he been coming into your garden? Does it sleep there all night?  What a lovely sight to see in the morning x

Morning all

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Morning Barry. Hope you slept well?

Morning all. I'm watching the Olympic marathon. Last day of the Games. Oh no! What will I do with myself?
Supposed to be hot here in Somerset too, but it's quite grey and cloudy now. 

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Morning Clover! Yes I'm going to try and watch that too - don't envy them doing that when it's hot! 

I didn't realise how loving foxes can be. My sister always told me this. I was watching Jodi Marsh on fb at her animal charity type farm. She was cuddling little foxes who had been injured or abandoned, and they absolutely loved it! Just loved affection & cuddles, they didn't want her to let them go once in her arms. So heart warming.🥰

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Oh I've seen a glimpse of the animal sanctuary she runs - looks amazing.

Morning all. Just watched the winner crossing the finishing line in the womens marathon, astonishing speed after all that distance.

Its a bit cloudy here, am hoping it doesn't get too hot

Have a happy day everyone


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Just seen it too Rosetta, the girl who was at the front looks like to have been overtaken in the last couple of hundred metres! Imagine running 26 miles and losing out on a gold in the last minute!! 

My memory is crap Smow but she and others have certainly been here for a few months.  She was in the garden eating scraps I had given her when I closed my curtains last night.  When I let my dog out for his late night pee she was still around so he chased her off.  I have a male as well with a black tip on the end of his tail.  I have a photo here I've been trying to load since I last posted but can't do it.  Anyone help please?





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