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Quizzes & Puzzles Round Up August 2024

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ABSpareEditor | 08:50 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
Welcome to the August 2024 edition of the Quizzes & Puzzles round-up.

Check back to the July 2024 Quizzes and Puzzles Round Up thread to see results, thanks from setters and how much money was raised!

NOTICE: Please remember it is vital that you add contact details i.e. email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz, thanks.

If you have already added your quiz elsewhere to AB you can just post the link to the question as an answer to this one.

Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.

Closing in August 2024

1. COME FLY WITH ME. In aid of MAGPAS. £2 entry fee. Closing date is 3rd August 2024.

2. Just The Job. Raising money for Water Aid. £1 entry fee. Closing date is 31st August 2024.

Closing in September 2024

3. Summer Quiz. In aid of the Romanian Aid Foundation. £1.25 entry fee. Closing date is 7th September 2024.

4. Sounds Like Quiz. £1 entry fee. Closing date is 11th September 2024.

5. We're going to the seaside? In aid of the Sick Children's Trust. £1.25 entry fee. Closing date is 21st September 2024.

6. I say, I say. ShelterBox Quiz. £1.25 entry fee. Closing date is 25th September 2024.

7. The Latest Cryptic Quiz. Supported by the Rotary Club of Tiverton. £1 entry fee. Closing date is 30th September 2024.

8. Sibsey Bowls Club Quiz. 60 questions - 30 answers contain the consecutive letters BI, AS or ED and 30 answers are places in the UK ending in 'ton'. £1.40 entry fee. Closing date is 30th September 2024.

9. Border Ice Rink Ladies Section. This quiz has 30 clues on winter sports and activities. £1 entry fee. Closing date is 30th September 2024.

Closing in October 2024

10. Childen's Society Summer Quiz. £1 entry fee. Closing date is 30th October 2024.

11. Buxton Mountain Rescue Quiz 19. Please, no asking for online help before 21st October. £1 entry fee. Closing date is 31st October 2024.

Closing in January 2025

12. Save the Children Quiz. 50 questions in 5 sections. £1.50 entry fee. Closing date is 10th January 2025.

Do you enjoy Fantasy Football?
Find The AnswerBank's Fantasy Football Thread in Football.

Please remember it is vital that you add contact details ie email or postal address, the closing date, the cost, where the quiz funds will be going and the theme of the quiz, thanks.

If you have already added it to AB you can just post the link to the question.

Please could you post one quiz per answer to avoid confusion, thank you.

If you are asking for help with a quiz, please can you ensure to include the quiz title and closing date.

Happy Quizzing and Good Luck!


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Back to School quiz for 6th Chatteris Brownies. 

Please send £1 coin secured and SAE to: Mrs Ann Smith, 87 London Road, Chatteris, Cambs., PE16 6LW 

Also available by email and pay on return from [email protected] 

30 cryptic questions.  Closing date 30 September 2024

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Quizzes & Puzzles Round Up August 2024

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