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Cats Domestic And Wld Cd 7/9

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saintstim | 11:00 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Can anyone help with these two. The clues re a bit vague.

39 Calm friendly cat (6)

41 North american endangered cat (6)

Thanks for any help



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39 Birman?

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Thanks scorpiojo. I had Birman down for 48 (Long haired blue-eyed cat breed) but I think you may well be right.

Seen as bobcat for 41 

39 I have toyger 

as I have Birman for 48

41 could be ocelot

Could the calm friendly cat be as simple as Ginger?

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Cats Domestic And Wld Cd 7/9

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