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Flies - The Flying Variety

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naomi24 | 17:22 Mon 12th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
62 Answers

Pesky, filthy, horrible creatures.  Do you squirt them, splat them, or do the altruistic thing and give them house room.  Sprays are out of the question here - we have dogs - so we're very definite - and - accurate splatters in this house.  



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No pets here so spray with abandon. Next task, the wasps in me hedge.

I open the windows to create a draught and then waft them out. Splattering makes such a mess!

I am a swatter! There I am with my tv guide swatting away at them, narrowly missing my ornaments & picture frames!

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Ooo ... careful.  We had a wasp nest in a hedge .... hope you're calling professional wasp-busters!

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^that to Douglas.

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We've got fly swats, Sharon.  I'm a disaster with a rolled up newspaper so I know what you mean. 😂

Nets on doors to prevent the problem. Fly traps to remove those who get through the first defence.

Don't your dogs catch them for you Naomi?  IF I get an occasional one through my doornet Jay makes it his life's work to get it.  Doesn't take him long as they usually go to his food dish and he's not putting up with that!!

I've not knowingly killed a fly in well over thirty years.  I just spend a lot of time trying to persuade them to fly out of the doors or windows!

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No, LB, they just ignore them. 

Too busy playing I guess.

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Something like that, LB.  😂

Being on the 1st floor I rarely see flies. The odd ones that get in get sprayed. I shoo bees/wasps/moths out the window.

I swat them with a teatowel when they're near an open window. They might die or they might find their way out. Much better than using a newspaper to squash them anyway. 

are there any other type of flies than the flying kind?

flies on my jeans?

Flies a plane 

Sprays are out of the question here as well - the dog doesn't seem worried by sprays, but they set off my asthma.  So it's the rather revolting fly-papers.  I have 2 hanging over the kitchen window and sink (caught my hair on the end bit twice).  They do work.

I bought a tennis-bat thing which works by batteries, but all it seems to do is stun them for a moment after an impressive 'zap!' sound.


I've found that a relatively harmless spray that I use for occasional critters on my many house plants will kill flies very effectively. No smell, dries really quickly so you're not at risk of breathing it in. I used to swat but flies see me coming. 😆 🤣 

17.45  Barflies

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